Thursday, February 21, 2008

And I'll paint if I want to.

Largely inspired by Henner's blog, I have been toying with the idea of taking up painting. Unlike Hen, the medium of watercolour, rather than oils quite appeals to me. I like to see myself as the organised sort of fellow (I'm not) who will meticulously plan a picture before rendering it.

Being as it is my birfday today I decided to splash out and buy a set of water colours and paintbrushes from Mr. W H Smith.

I spent a good half an hour just playing with the colours (and cling film), making a few blocks of paint and interesting shapes, before setting about a little work. This first result was, I am quite ashamed to say, somewhat childish in its composure. I think I probably learned a lot about lighting, dimensions and planning just from this one piece. I won't share it here - needless to say I'm not proud of it, but I'm glad I did it.

Thanks Hen for unwittingly encouraging me to take up this pastime. I have a sneaking suspicion it will be addictive. And thanks for Stu for the name and shame to make me blog.


Lord Hutton said...

Practice makes perfick, as they say. And happy birthday

omally said...

Hope you had a fabbo birthday, matey!
And I can verify the infeciousness of Henner's's's's more desirable hobbies; I found a 1920s whisky bottle embedded in the canal towpath, so I now want to find more :)

Phil said...

Happy belated birthday Kouros!

let us know how you get on with painting and post some of your work.

Since giving up work and having more time, I'm about to take up drawing, but mainly simple pencil stuff and inking - I love japanese anime / Manga style stuff and have books on that style.