Thursday, November 29, 2007

Maybe it's just me

But when did ignorance of the law become an excuse?

A teacher working in a foreign country may have a fair point and a relatively short imprisonment seems to reflect that, however the argument is stretched to breaking point when politicians try to weasel their way out of their own rules.


Lord Hutton said...

Whoever you vote for, the government wins, and it has always been so.

Kourosism said...

I've always been of the view that the government is very like the one in Firefly and Serenity - it's not evil, it's just rather big. And big things tend to have the involvement of some incompetent individuals.

Phil said...

I as I like to say - reality sucks :0]

omally said...

Oi! You're IT! :)

PeterBancroft said...
