Wednesday, September 14, 2005


  1. I've blogged before about Microsoft's Great Plains and how useless it is. Well, apparently a horse under the same name was running at Yarmouth today at four o'clock. It was even the Radio4 tip of the day. As it happens, "Great Plains" came in seventh.
  2. I will be resetting the Fast Food counter to 0 as I had a relapse today. Meh.
  3. In other news, I'm sorry.

Actually, I'm feeling rather bad, specifically about the bottom one. There's no excuse for it, and if anyone on Saturday or Sunday wishes to claim the bug in question, please let me know.

This is sort of a trend for me, I must admit. I feel as if I'm moving away from Caching - in fact, I haven't been for far too long... but I don't miss it. I don't think I get the enjoyment from it I once did. I always enjoyed signing the log, and I always enjoyed playing with the technology.

But I guess something never clicked that should have done.

And now I don't have the same amount of free time I once did, I find it harder and harder to make the effort. I'd rather go cycling, or kite flying. Or writing. I feel like Jamie Cullum in his song, "Twenty Something." I guess I'll find my something.

By the way, the horse that won was called Clueless. Says it all, really.

Sorry to be so self-deprecating. I'll be more upbeat soon, promise.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Terragen 2

Ok, that's it. I think I'm pretty happy with the outcome. Not too keen on the water still, but better than it was.

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Now that I've seen what some people have done with Terragen, though, I feel suitably humbled.


This morning I have mostly been playing with Terragen.

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I'm not completely happy with it, so am going to tweak and post again later on. Consider it a work in progress...

In other news, I intend to redo my website at somepoint, to give it some sort of point other than just a blog which is hosted elsewhere anyway. Expect some exciting new features*. This may occur this afternoon, but probably not. I will be in Orange for a couple of weeks shortly, so I imagine I will do it then.

*Exciting as defined by my good self, not you. Do not expect a refund.

Friday, September 02, 2005


Hopefully H & G won't mind me sharing this snap from their wedding reception on Thursday. It was very dark in the room, so sadly the picture quality is a bit grainy. Even still, I quite like this picture - I find the best man's pose at the back quite sad, even if he does look a bit like the mayor from Spin City.