Wednesday, February 28, 2007

With a tear in my eye and a spring in my step.

Aren't solicitors fun? I'll leave that statement just as it is, and move swiftly on...

So today is my final day at XYZ Publishing, and I'll be blowed if I actually do any work today. I guess I had better write a leaving speech in preparation, so I should keep this blog relatively short. In lieu of any significant content, I'll share some emails that people have sent after being notified of my leaving to spend more time with my family:-

  • All I can say is Have Faith and follow your nose to do what you want to do in life.

  • I'll ... suggest you are uncertain about your gender.

  • Oh, no!

  • Oh hell.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Last Day.

Well, they've finally got around to advising me when my final day will be.

It'll be Wednesday.

Sadly I've still not got any paperwork to show to the solicitor or been able to put my X against. Ah well, a few months paid as a boot-out will do me nicely, so I guess I can't really complain.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Reasons to be happy #3.

At some point this year, I had hoped to complete the C2C route, Whitehaven to Sunderland. Looks like I may be able to now!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Reasons to be happy #2.

I've just done the maths, and figure I don't have to work for the next couple of months. Two months to find a new, decent, job seems quite reasonable.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Reasons to be happy.

A little reminder for myself, on a daily basis, to keep smiling... hope you guys enjoy it too.

First of all, Americans are NOT stupid. *

*Yeah, I know you're not really, but these guys need to really go back to school.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Words of Wisdom.

While visiting a friend over the weekend, he asked what I was doing for my birthday. I told him I was being made redundant.

"Ah," he said sagely, "You are being given the gift of time."

Friday, February 09, 2007


Today I had the meeting. You know the one. It's when the new owner of the company comes down to introduce himself, meet everyone, and have a chat about roles in the company, and to make you redundant.

Like Paul said a few weeks ago, I'm technically "at risk" but we all know what that means, especially since no one else is.

So maybe this will make me get off my lazy ass and get a better job. Maybe not. Either way, it's come as a surprise, and yet not - truth be told, I'm surprised it didn't happen months ago... though logically I can see why they wouldn't want to do that for the transition period either.

I want to keep typing to let it all off my chest, but really just one word sums it up...


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

One Rule.

Apparently there's a fear that the mailbombs from the past few days have been sent by disgruntled motorists, upset at congestion charges, or speeding fines, or points, or whatever. Even that joke of a campaign site, Safespeed has joined in the debate. I'll let you fine people enjoy their findings without comment.

Personally, I don't believe it matters who is actually doing this, or why. It matters that they are, and that is all. As much as we may complain about Blair or this or that, no one is really pushed too far in this country, and there are plenty of avenues to protest and debate what is wrong or right in our country. The people who are trying to maim or kill innocent folk are no better than fundamentalists who think that Allah will look kindly upon them if they blow themselves up*.

Which brings me to my point. From the BBC News website right now...

See it?

There's a nice big article at the top about people arrested on terrorism charges, but no mention at all of two attempted terrorism attacks perpetrated over the past two days. I do not believe that the government, or the Police, or security services are victimising the Islamic population in Britain, but I do think that the meedja just might be... and at the end of the day, that just might be more important.

* Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors. (2:190)

Friday, February 02, 2007


At crappy job I was due a bonus this month just for sticking it out (as much as I hate them, they do pay well, which is part of the reason I stick around). This was to be paid by the old owner.

I was also due another bonus later in the year, if made redundant by that time.

Imagine my surprise when I open up my payslip to find I've been paid for both! Hurrah! Sadly, this does also mean my Student Loan payment also increased this month (by £233...ouch!) which I hope won't have a knock on effect over the following few months, but we'll see.

So I'm slightly happier today. At least I have a bit of a buffer if I don't have any work to go to soon.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Oh, go on then...

... nicked from 60.

1. Where were you 1 hour ago? Same desk, but applying for jobs rather than procrastinating. Yes, I am applying for jobs on work time.

2. Who will be your next kiss? Peck or tongues? Ween, peck.

3. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Yes. This book.

4. When is the last time you went to the mall? Months ago, I'm glad to say.

5. Are you wearing socks right now? Yes. Black ones.

6. When was the last time you went out of the state? I'll take state to be country, so that would be November when I went to Cardiff.

7. Have you been to the movies in the last 7 days? No. The last film I saw at the cinema was Casino Royale.

8. What was the last thing you had to drink? Innocent Detox smoothie

9. What are you wearing right now? A lacey blac... ahem. Blue shirt, grey suit trousers.

10 Last food you ate? Egg mayo, sausage, and ketchup baguette. With crisps.

11. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? No. I can't remember when I last bought some clothes.

12.Do you have a pet? Two cats, Sooty and Smudge.

13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? Does Dancing on Ice count? Yes, I do watch Dancing on Ice. It's quite good.

14. What was your favorite class in high school? English

15 What is the last thing you purchased online? Booked a hotel room in York for a weekend.

16 How old are your parents? This is awful... I don't actually know. I have a rough idea, but I don't know.

17. Are you in love? Yes.

18. Do you miss anyone? Yes, my grandad. I don't think I knew him well enough, which is odd as I didn't know my other grandparents at all.

19. Last play you saw? Oooh, that would have been aaaages ago. Next one will be Swan Lake on Ice in February if that counts. See, there's the Ice thing again.

20. Ever go camping? Yes.

21. Were you a top set student in school? I was in maths, and then they made a top-plus set which they didn't invite me into. I can't say I was too bothered. Other than Maths, we didn't have sets.

22 Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? Sometimes, but not often. Cologne that is. I wear perfume all the time.

23 Do you have a tan? No

24 How old do you want to be when you have kids? I don't think I will ever feel old enough to have kids. I still feel 18 and lost in the world. Ween would like kids soon, now she is in her early 30s (shh... I didn't say that), so probably soon.

25. Do you collect anything? Only when I was a kid. Just normal kid stuff, stickers and such.

26. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over? When I was breathalysed about six years ago. I had someone in the boot of the car.*

27 Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? Erm... I don't think I have, actually. Does it taste different?

28. Last time you took a shower? Sunday, just after swimming. I'm a bath boy most of the time.

29 Are you someone’s best friend? I don't think so, other than Ween.

31. What’s the last TV show you watched? Fat Men Can't Hunt.

32. Do you own a Britney Spears C.D? No. I do have a Spice Girls one somewhere though.

33. Are you a Lost fanatic? Yes. I'm going to be very angry if they finish it without resolving anything. I've been burnt before... Firefly. Who were you Book? I need to know! And Mal, dear Mal, don't you see that Inara loves you. And River Tam, you need more of "your turns" Oh, now you've started me off. Bring back Firefly! There needs to be a Serenity 2!

34. Have you ever eaten an entire pint, or more, ice cream by yourself? I don't think so.

35. Do you sing obnoxiously in the car when you’re driving alone? No, but I should. Good for the lungs, you see.

36. Have you ever liked a girl/boy but didn’t ask her/him out because you were afraid? Yes.

37. Have you ever written a poem/story about your love life? Yes! Here!

38. Do you eat all the servings in the food groups on a daily basis? Possibly not

39. What’s the current ringtone on your cellphone? The theme tune from Hustle

40. When you open your closet, what is the dominant color of your wardrobe? Blue/black.

* Actually, I didn't. But I almost did.