Thursday, February 01, 2007

Oh, go on then...

... nicked from 60.

1. Where were you 1 hour ago? Same desk, but applying for jobs rather than procrastinating. Yes, I am applying for jobs on work time.

2. Who will be your next kiss? Peck or tongues? Ween, peck.

3. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Yes. This book.

4. When is the last time you went to the mall? Months ago, I'm glad to say.

5. Are you wearing socks right now? Yes. Black ones.

6. When was the last time you went out of the state? I'll take state to be country, so that would be November when I went to Cardiff.

7. Have you been to the movies in the last 7 days? No. The last film I saw at the cinema was Casino Royale.

8. What was the last thing you had to drink? Innocent Detox smoothie

9. What are you wearing right now? A lacey blac... ahem. Blue shirt, grey suit trousers.

10 Last food you ate? Egg mayo, sausage, and ketchup baguette. With crisps.

11. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? No. I can't remember when I last bought some clothes.

12.Do you have a pet? Two cats, Sooty and Smudge.

13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? Does Dancing on Ice count? Yes, I do watch Dancing on Ice. It's quite good.

14. What was your favorite class in high school? English

15 What is the last thing you purchased online? Booked a hotel room in York for a weekend.

16 How old are your parents? This is awful... I don't actually know. I have a rough idea, but I don't know.

17. Are you in love? Yes.

18. Do you miss anyone? Yes, my grandad. I don't think I knew him well enough, which is odd as I didn't know my other grandparents at all.

19. Last play you saw? Oooh, that would have been aaaages ago. Next one will be Swan Lake on Ice in February if that counts. See, there's the Ice thing again.

20. Ever go camping? Yes.

21. Were you a top set student in school? I was in maths, and then they made a top-plus set which they didn't invite me into. I can't say I was too bothered. Other than Maths, we didn't have sets.

22 Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? Sometimes, but not often. Cologne that is. I wear perfume all the time.

23 Do you have a tan? No

24 How old do you want to be when you have kids? I don't think I will ever feel old enough to have kids. I still feel 18 and lost in the world. Ween would like kids soon, now she is in her early 30s (shh... I didn't say that), so probably soon.

25. Do you collect anything? Only when I was a kid. Just normal kid stuff, stickers and such.

26. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over? When I was breathalysed about six years ago. I had someone in the boot of the car.*

27 Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? Erm... I don't think I have, actually. Does it taste different?

28. Last time you took a shower? Sunday, just after swimming. I'm a bath boy most of the time.

29 Are you someone’s best friend? I don't think so, other than Ween.

31. What’s the last TV show you watched? Fat Men Can't Hunt.

32. Do you own a Britney Spears C.D? No. I do have a Spice Girls one somewhere though.

33. Are you a Lost fanatic? Yes. I'm going to be very angry if they finish it without resolving anything. I've been burnt before... Firefly. Who were you Book? I need to know! And Mal, dear Mal, don't you see that Inara loves you. And River Tam, you need more of "your turns" Oh, now you've started me off. Bring back Firefly! There needs to be a Serenity 2!

34. Have you ever eaten an entire pint, or more, ice cream by yourself? I don't think so.

35. Do you sing obnoxiously in the car when you’re driving alone? No, but I should. Good for the lungs, you see.

36. Have you ever liked a girl/boy but didn’t ask her/him out because you were afraid? Yes.

37. Have you ever written a poem/story about your love life? Yes! Here!

38. Do you eat all the servings in the food groups on a daily basis? Possibly not

39. What’s the current ringtone on your cellphone? The theme tune from Hustle

40. When you open your closet, what is the dominant color of your wardrobe? Blue/black.

* Actually, I didn't. But I almost did.


Anonymous said...

"Actually, I didn't. But I almost did."

What? They'd fallen out by then?

PeterBancroft said...

I happened to stop off at a friend's party on my way home when Ween and I didn't live together. Naturally I didn't drink that night, and just picked up a few mates who had to give them a lift back. Unfortunately, I picked up one mate too many. He volunteered to ride in the boot and getting carried away in the moment, I *almost* let him.

Which is a good thing, as in retrospect I can imagine him banging on the boot when I was pulled over, shouting "Help! Let me out! I've been kidnapped!" or similar.

So yes, I almost had someone in the boot. But I didn't. It's a bit of a non-story really. I prefer the incestuous girl one.

Phil said...

Mmm, Innocent smoothies rock!!!