Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Last Day!


I still haven't received a written confirmation of the job offer. Allegedly I start Monday...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Why Is It...

...that most sporting events never seem to end, tying up television schedules for weeks or months on end only to be repeated the following year, and the Olympics is over before it seems to have really started?

Friday, August 22, 2008


It's a curious thing, that human trait to turn the other cheek. It's even curiouser when, for no godly apparent reason, you decide not to.

I had such an encounter earlier today, when a young lad left the local shop with an ice lolly, and dropped the wrapper on the floor. I asked him to pick it up, and he did. He left around a corner, and then came back a few minutes later with a couple of older brothers who wanted to know what my problem was.

Apparently, dropping litter doesn't matter and its just rubbish, as they informed me. The little sod grinned and dropped it again. I asked them if they'd mind people dropping little outside their house. Their reply was an eloquent "I'd tell them to fuck off"

I like to think that everyone left the encounter a little more knowledgeable, but I think not. In fact, I'm fairly certain that the young tyke became too excited by his roast dinner waiting for him at home and forgot all about littering, at least judging by his exclamation of "Faggot!" as we all went our separate ways.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Volunteers Please!

I've been having a play creating a website using Joomla - not something I have a huge amount of experience with. I promised Ween I would make a small site for our wedding with a gift list on it, photos and such like. I figured if I was doing something for us, I may as well do something other folk can use too.

This is as far as I've got. Ignore the latin, it's just filler text until I think of something witty to put on the front page, and the design I intend to start from scratch rather than using a template - however if anyone out there would be so kind as to sign in and offer any criticisms or feedback, it would be greatly appreciated. I will reward you by blogging a bit more often.

Username: demo
Password: demo123

The ultimate goal is that users will have a direct link to their profile (e.g. but I haven't quite got that working yet. Also you'll note I haven't actually added the gift list yet either... shh! Don't tell Ween!