Friday, August 22, 2008


It's a curious thing, that human trait to turn the other cheek. It's even curiouser when, for no godly apparent reason, you decide not to.

I had such an encounter earlier today, when a young lad left the local shop with an ice lolly, and dropped the wrapper on the floor. I asked him to pick it up, and he did. He left around a corner, and then came back a few minutes later with a couple of older brothers who wanted to know what my problem was.

Apparently, dropping litter doesn't matter and its just rubbish, as they informed me. The little sod grinned and dropped it again. I asked them if they'd mind people dropping little outside their house. Their reply was an eloquent "I'd tell them to fuck off"

I like to think that everyone left the encounter a little more knowledgeable, but I think not. In fact, I'm fairly certain that the young tyke became too excited by his roast dinner waiting for him at home and forgot all about littering, at least judging by his exclamation of "Faggot!" as we all went our separate ways.


Anonymous said...

You're no longer untitled! Hurrah!

And... tchoh! at the yoof of today.

Kourosism said...

I know. I had a mess about with the templates and decided it was time for a bit of a change. More of a tchoh what was I thinking encounter - I doubt today's yoof are much different to yoof from twenty years ago.

silver horde said...

In todays culture, I think you were lucky not to get stabbed for your trouble. Scary.

henry said...

Luckily for me I'm quite big and also look a bit (for a speccy-four-eyes) like I could kill.
Well done you for pulling the little git on his bad behaviour.
I doff my trilby in your direction and hope that them scummers all get stabbed before the month is out.