Tuesday, January 24, 2006


No, it's not a rude swear, but it should be.

Ganking comes from "gang killing" and usually refers to when you are ambushed in an online game by a large group (say five on one) or are attacked by someone of a much higher level. There's nothing really wrong with it, it's just annoying.

Today I played victim.

Happily levelling up my character, when *whack* hit from behind by a dwarf. Annoying, but as above - it happens. That's PvP for you. Fortunately Warcraft isn't real life, so I can resurrect myself by running my ghost from the graveyard to where my body fell. Quite handy that.

So I run back. The dwarf is still there, and now he has a friend, both around level 35 (I'm currently on level 24). They are dancing - dancing - around my lifeless body. I decide to sit it out and wait until they move on, which they do.

But no sooner have I resurrected, than (you guessed it) *whack* down I go again.

Like I said. Gankers.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Bloody Hell.

This was a bit of a shocker.

I've had the benefit of speaking with Mark Oaten a couple of times. He always struck me as the sort of MP that knew his stuff, and it surprised me when he stepped out of the leadership campaign.

He would have made a good figurehead under different circumstances, poor bastard.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


OK, it's the end of play Tuesday, and I'm still feeling pretty good. Work is still good, I'm not tired, and I'm more productive.

What's changed?

Saturday, January 14, 2006

How Queer.

On Wednesday I had to go to Orange for a meeting with a Very Important Prospective Service Supplier. I had rather a nice time.

A little odd.

On Thursday we went to see their premises. I enjoyed it. I was very late home (about 8:30ish), but I didn't mind.

Increasingly odd.

On Friday I went in early, had a thoroughly productive day and time just flew by. It was fun.

Very odd.

I seem to be enjoying my work again. A bit soon to say, of course, but I'm rather looking forward to Monday.

Most odd.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


I really am a worrier. I'd love to be more like Tucker Max (except maybe less of an asshole), but I'm not: I worry about things. A lot.

After the auction yesterday I worried plenty about it. I couldn't afford it. I contacted the seller and asked to pull, compensating him for relisting, and a little extra for wasted time. I didn't get a reply.

This all happened yesterday, and my worrisome story continued... in fact, just read the whole Sequential Art strip to get the general gist of what happened, but imagine less nekkidness, that there's no mad squirrel involved and remember that I'm not a penguin called Pip.

The other side of the tale is that I woke at four this morning. Part of that was down to drinking too much last night, and part of that was down to worrying about the car. I moped around the house all day, until I found out from eBay that the auction had been "mutually" closed. Which means he gets his listing fees back, and I get my first negative feedback. I don't care about the latter.

I've emailed the seller again, and asked to give him a little bit for wasted time anyway. So maybe I should be happy I'm not like Tucker Max, except for the heavy drinking.*

I still feel like an asshole, and I still want a Mini. Maybe I'll save up for one first this time.

*EDIT: Yes, I know he would drink me under the table. I'm a small guy. Yes I remember Alton Towers. Shut up.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Oh sh*t

Note to self...

Before you bid for something on ebay, no matter how much you want it, make sure you can afford it.

I'm feeling a little like this at the moment. I just hope I get outbid at the last moment.

Monday, January 02, 2006


Nicked from Sarah :-

How many songs?

Sort by artist
First artist: Aberfeldy
Last artist: ZZ Top

Sort by song title
First Song: (Probably) All In The Mind by Oasis
Last Song: Zuton Fever

Sort by time
Shortest Song: Her Majesty by The Beatles (0:23)
Longest Song: Tuular Bells Part One by Mike Oldfield (23:20)

Sort by album
First Album: 10 Years of Hits by Ronan Keating
Last Album: Young Forever by Aberfeldy

First song that comes up on shuffle
The End by The Beatles

How many songs come up when you search for “sex”?

How many songs come up when you search for “death”?

How many songs come up when you search for “love”?

How many when you seach for goat?

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