Personally, I don't believe it matters who is actually doing this, or why. It matters that they are, and that is all. As much as we may complain about Blair or this or that, no one is really pushed too far in this country, and there are plenty of avenues to protest and debate what is wrong or right in our country. The people who are trying to maim or kill innocent folk are no better than fundamentalists who think that Allah will look kindly upon them if they blow themselves up*.
Which brings me to my point. From the BBC News website right now...
See it?
There's a nice big article at the top about people arrested on terrorism charges, but no mention at all of two attempted terrorism attacks perpetrated over the past two days. I do not believe that the government, or the Police, or security services are victimising the Islamic population in Britain, but I do think that the meedja just might be... and at the end of the day, that just might be more important.
* Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors. (2:190)
Been going on much longer than that, LH. Atenism found itself at the sharp end of bigotry long before any of the above. I'm certain that I am addicted to learning about religions... it's like Stu buying his domain names. Every now and the I have to learn about a new one.
I hate the way the press pick and choose what to sensationalise :[]
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