Friday, July 28, 2006


In this weeks newsletter directed towards perusers of the B3ta website, there is a section detailing readers weird stories from any experiences they may have had in the catering trade. Mostly they are intended to mock either the staff, owers, or clientele of such places as where catering may take place. Taken from that self same B3ta newsletter...

  * Back room car parts
"In the pub I worked in, we had a back room
with no bar that could be let out to private
parties. A regular booking was for the
Morris Minor Owners Club. I found out one of
the favourite pastimes for this group was
'guess the part.' They'd pass round a black
velvet bag with a part from a Morris Minor
in it, each member would feel inside the bag
without looking and write down what they
thought it was. There were ten rounds..."

Maybe it's just me, but that kinda sounds like fun.

I'll stop stealing stuff from other websites and post something original soon, promise.

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