Wednesday, August 16, 2006


With reference to Rich's rather weak joke the other day, there's a similar email going round at the moment - you know the sort, a mocked up BBC news item roughly the same text and BA's head in the image space.

We showed the image to a 20-year-old temp we have working here, and her reply: "Yeah, I heard about that."

US:"Sorry, what? Have you even looked at it?"

HER:"Yeah. BA has cancelled their flights."

US:"Did you look at the picture?"

HER:"Yes. It's a black man."

US:"It's BA! BA Baracus!"


US:"The A-Team?"


I suddenly feel old.


Kourosism said...

Automan? *THE* Automan? Automan who looks like something out of Tron Automan. Of course I know who Automan is.

I typed it into Wikipedia and found out.

Jeangenie said...

I felt even older because I didn't know who BA Baracus was either. The A-team was after my time ... :(