Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bunny Suicides.

So it's been a long time since I've blogged.


So what to tell?

Lessons learned - don't ask your friends to work with you, especially when you would be their superior, and you are well aware that they are, well, superior to you. He's only on as a temp, but even still - he's smarter than most of the IT dept, and since I'm only pretend IT he kinda shows me up a little.

Hair adverts - is it just me (please tell me it's not just me) but are the hair adverts starting to get a bit like porn? The slightly not-unattractive-but-not-conventionally-beautiful girl, the groping, dear God the groping.

And rabbits. Driving in to work the other day, a rabbit sat in the middle of the road. Being allergic to them, I am not usually overly fussed if I accidentally hit one (I'm callous like that). However I also don't go out of my way to hit them - on this occasion I narrowly missed it. Imagining the creature was already dead, looking in my rear view mirror I was somewhat surprised to see it move, hop in fact. Right to the point where my wheel would have been.

I can't help but think it was positioning itself.


Lord Hutton said...

Who's allergic to rabbits for god's sake. Isn't thsat like being allergic to lions or bears or kangaroos? ie you're never going to touch them.

Kourosism said...

I'm allergic to the fur, or rather the mites that are unique to their fur.

I quite like the taste of them, which is handy... not that I would eat a wild one of the bastards except for survival. I prefer the taste of pets, such as the floppy eared one the neighbour's kid keeps...

Kourosism said...

And Om, does T know about your collection of, ahem, shampoo adverts?

Unknown said...

do you mean the head and shoulders advert with the guy not wanting to grope her bum cause he's fondling her hair?

if so I have to point out that that's the only advert featuring couples being happy that can turn a smile rather than making me sick with envy that there are happy people out there deliberately showing off ;-)

Max said...

Was that you I saw coming out of the news agent looking shify with a shampoo magazine in a brown paper bag?

Unknown said...

Hey, at least shampoo is clean, unlike a pool full of jelly.


Lisa & Adam said...

You might have been right about the rabbit.
