Saturday, February 23, 2008

Half Term.

For the past two days, there have been a group of kids on the corner of my road holding signs saying "Honk! Honk!" and waving them at passing motorists.

I don't know what amuses me more. Whether it is that the kids are bored and inventive enough to use this as a pastime (and keep it up for a significant period of time) or that nearly every damned car which drives past is doing it.


omally said...

Sounds like a spiffing idea. I'd honk if I drove past. One likes to show appreciaion for effort and all that.

Kourosism said...

The kids seem delighted every time someone does it too (which is a lot). Having honked (I have) they cheer and applaud.

Lord Hutton said...

Buy one of those mosquito things with the high pitched sound

Anonymous said...

I would _definitely_ honk.

But then again, I once drove round a massive puddle and a half-term kid who had been gesturing at it was _clearly_ disappointed that I hadn't splashed him... so I pulled a U-turn, drove back past, then came full pelt straight THROUGH the puddle to his loud cheers.

Always helpful, me :)

Phil said...

Hahaha, Love it! :]