Saturday, May 31, 2008

Haven't we been here before?

I suddenly find myself in a position where I am hating, really hating, my job again. It largely stems from part of my role, which starting as a minor part, and has now almost engulfed the entire job. Basically its not a particularly enjoyable thing to do, and it doesn't make me popular with the students. Considering that the vast majority of my working life involves interaction with students, this is a Big Thing.

I've started drinking more again. A lot more, the bottle of red to myself every night kind of more.
I know it isn't helping matters, but I've got myself trapped in that place.

Naturally I have been applying for alternative employment, and I have my fingers crossed over a couple of possibilities, but many of them involve a quite serious pay cut. Paying for the habit is one thing, I can always kick that if necessary, but finding it tough to pay the mortgage is something else.

That said, I am tempted to simply hand in my notice on Monday, and deal with the consequences later. Maybe get a few temping jobs to pay the bills and see what happens after that, but I just don't know.


Lord Hutton said...

I share your pain, K, I really do. When you look around at jobs You'd Really Like To Do, they all pay shit. It's a bugger, isn't it?

omally said...

Having been out of work for a month now, I'd recommend erring on the side of caution. I'd also recommend kicking the wine-habit into touch, matey. You probably feel worse when you go into work due to the amount of wine you drink each night.
Seeing as you work to live, rather than living to work, keep being able to pay those bills, won't you?
No harm in looking for another much better job in the meantime, something will turn up, just don't do anything rash. Please.

Anonymous said...

I would definitely put the job problem on hold and deal with the wine first.

With a clear head, you could make better decisions more easily.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Hi, K. How's it going?

Phil said...

Oh dear Kouros.
That's not sounding good and a bottle of red a night is sure-fire downhill spiral, I know!
I think you're going to have to put your happiness first and do something about your job or your health is going to suffer, both mentally and physically.