Sunday, July 24, 2005


I don't hide the fact that I'm quite the fan of M. Night Shyamalan.

Tonight I finally got around to watching The Village. I don't know why it has taken me so long - I have seen his previous three films at the cinema, but for some reason skipped this one, although I was heartily looking forward to it.

I still managed to avoid the obligatory "twist" being spoiled for me by so-called friends (Sixth Sense, anyone?).

Watch it. I'll lend you the DVD if I must, but watch it. It's thoroughly great, from Joaquin Phoenix's performance, to the frankly beautiful music and dialogue.

OK, so I still prefer Signs, but that has Mel Gibson and aliens in it... what do you want from me?

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Maybe Orange isn't so bad after all... except all the work stuff. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Today I have mostly been making cheesecake. And playing Nethack.


"USB host controller bandwidth exceeded."

So said a helpful yellow balloon in the corner of my screen. Apparently one of my USB devices wouldn't work because of this dilemma, but not to worry as it can be fixed by clicking on the aforementioned balloon.

Pity that the USB device which wasn't working happened to be the mouse.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


While rooting around in an old box, I came across a video I made some years back. It's by no means great (and the image quality is shocking as I wanted to keep it as low as possible for those on dialup), but it still made me chuckle.

Completely improvised by my mate Simon (you can tell) it was my first foray into attempting to edit a video - I hope I improved by the time of the Jelly incident. And I apologise for the cigarette stuff.

Anyway - enjoy! It's about ten minutes long, so get yourself a cuppa. Extra kudos to those who stay to the end.

If the link above doesn't work, try here.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Half Empty.

An open letter to those who wish to make us afraid:

I do not know who you are. I don't know if you are a member of AlQaeda, the IRA, or someone with a thorough hatred of the G8. I do not know if you are white, black, Christian or Jew. I do not know if you even speak English.

I do not know your aims, I do not know your desires, I do not know why you slaughtered innocent people. I do not know why you wish for us to fear you.

I do know that you will fail.

I do know that people will not forget what has happened, they will not forget what you did. Those caught up in todays events will take to their graves the memories of what you did. But they will not fear you.

Today, London stands still. But tomorrow the trains will still run. The buses will still roll. The planes will still fly.

And we will not fear you.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Half Full.

Henners gets his negative whinge, so I get to play the other side (yes, I know Mermers beat us both, but sod it, I'm on a roll).

Frankly, I couldn't give a shit whether we won or lost the Olympics. I really couldn't care less. The odd thing is I should, because much of my job relies upon the tourist market.

But I can't help but feel that for the next seven years the media is going to be full of how the Olympic effort is going to pot. And once it's on, it'll be full of one "scandal" after another.

I'm fed up with them.

Things aren't that bad. OK, they're not perfect, but they're not that bad.

In seven years we're going to have our media looking upon the events ready to pounce upon every mistake, every mishap. Even if everything goes smoothly, they'll be something to highlight.

The Sun will call it the biggest shame we've ever endured. The Mirror will call it our greatest pride.

Everyone else will just call it the Olympics.