Sunday, February 26, 2006

Project Update.

I'm procrastinating. It's kinda what I do.

I just about have the prologue figured out in my head, and the structure of the remainder laid out(ish), but apart from the first and last lines I've got very little down on paper. The "problem" that I have decided to blame this upon is that, while I am learning the terminology I haven't spent a great deal of time on late 18th, early 19th century sailing vessels, and so I'm not convinced that anything I write will come across with an air of authenticity.

It is a hope of mine to put up the prologue in full here some time soon, but don't hold your breath.


Anonymous said...

if you want to know about them vessels you need ask none other than vodka mick.
he's an expert. i mean this quite seriously.

Kourosism said...

How would I go about contacting him?