Tuesday, April 05, 2005


I am a drunkard.

This is not my confessional - everyone already knows. I enjoy the odd bottle of red wine, and always have. I think I get the habit from my parents - my dad enjoys the taste, while my mum knocks it back like it's Calpol.

While at work the other day, I wa sreading the back of Marketing Magazine. For those of you not familiar with this esteemed journal, on the back pages there is an article entitled Don't Call Us... whereby the author details their experiences with various customer services offices. As I happen to run (in the loosest sense of the word) one such establishment, I happen to find this feature of particular interest.

Virgin Wines, in their encounter with the column the other day scored a reasonably respectable 10/10. In the circumstances, I considered it acceptable to give them a shot. Not one for calling people since I spend half my working day on the phone, I decided to order some plonk online.

Not only was I happily given £20 off my first order (of £70, making the total just £50), but after plcing my order on Sunday, I received it today. Tuesday.

By Amtrak.

How do they make a profit? I don't know, but I don't care - move aside Waitrose, I've found a new supplier for my dirty habit.

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