Monday, October 08, 2007


So much for a nice relaxing break in the Cotswolds. After booking into the apparently quaint pub near Winchcombe into the "superior" room, only to find it is directly above the speakers for the late night disco the following night, we did our best to get a good night's sleep.

A heavy cold put the end to that idea. Roll forward to the following day - a nice day out at an Arboretum and Falconry Centre (I'm glad that they didn't get those two mixed up - watching someone try to bait and catch a flying tree wouldn't be fun) topped off with a pleasant meal at a nearby BAlti. Got back just in time for the Disco, which started at 8.

At half ten, we started the drive home. We got home an hour before the disco was due to end.

Two questions - who puts the most expensive room in the house closest to the noise? Also.... who organises a late night disco on a Sunday? Do people not work in the Cotswolds?

That was three questions. So shoot me - I'm ill.


Max said...

You need putting in a bag and shaking up.

Lord Hutton said...

No ride on the Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Railway?

omally said...

You didn't ask for a refund?

Kourosism said...

I did. I didn't get one - they did however wipe our tab clean for our meal the previous night (wish we had chosen a more extravagant meal now) and have offered a free night as compensation. It also now occurs to me I didn't explain the illness - not caused by the inn, but probably would have driven me away anyway. Think I have been suffering the flu for a few days now, which kicked off at the weekend. Haven't moved since Monday. Everything hurts.

omally said...

Unclean! UNCLEAN!

Hope you feel much better soon, matey :)