Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Well, it's been a few weeks since I last updated, and a fair amount has happened since then. I went to play with Simong and Loisintheforest, and had a jolly time. We even went to the pub (after a fashion*) and met up with Stu and Sarah.

I think I may have drunk too much on an empty stomach (not having eaten all day) and felt somewhat queer** the following morning. This was OK as it wasn't as if we were spending our day at Alton Towers or anything. Oh no. Needless to say I bottled most of the rides but thoroughly enjoyed Rita. Most pleasing.

What else? Oh yes, I've since spent a week or so in Orange, and decided that my current job really is an absolute waste of time and I need to find something more productive. So I did.

Whassat? Well, I've applied for a few things, but the one I'm most keen on involves checking fish stocks. The most interesting parts of my current job involve fish stocks in some way (normally telling people which stock are covered by the fish) and I even went to a show in Brum to talk to people for three days about such matters. It was fun.

This new position involves a drop in salary, but I'm happy with that. I could now cycle to work (it's only five miles away) which would make up for most of the deficit, and Ween and I have decided that it's much better to be happy and skint than sad and wasteful.

I don't know if I'll get it - it's all yet to come and no doubt I've jinxed it by talking about it, but it does highlight how fed up I am at the moment. Even if I don't get this job, I need to move on. It's now been two and a half years since I left University, and I don't feel that I have achieved half of what I did in just one year there.

I need air. Pity I didn't ride it the other week.

* If by fashion you mean attempt to kill an already disabled cyclist by use of vehicular transport.

** Not felt a, but somewhat.


NigelH said...

Interesting link on my name, K!

Kourosism said...

I felt you needed sustaining.