Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Channel Hopping.

Last minute changes of plans are fun, aren't they?

Tonight, I was fully intending to settle down with a nice casserole, probably some wine, and curl up with Ween reading a good book.

Instead, I will still be having the casserole, but am from that point driving to Portsmouth, getting on an overnight ferry to Caen so that I can spend tomorrow counting some books, and then coming back over here again. Exciting, isn't it?

Oh, and for those that will be going to the Ordnance Survey Outdoors Show (I know there's a few among you) we will be exhibiting again, so I'll be there all weekend. If anyone wants to meet up for a pint or five, send me an email, or leave a message in the comments. Kinda hoping for something to break the tedium really.


Anonymous said...

Sounds a good way to spend a couple of days. Why can't the French count their own books?

Unknown said...

Sorry bud, I don't do shows no mroe otherwise I'd deffo be up for a few beerios with your good self :(

Kourosism said...

LH: It's an audit thing apparently. That, and communists don't do stock takes.

Om: Bah! I was counting on you!

Phil said...

I'm with Hutters!

Kourosism said...

lh and dogga, please come along! you'll have to buy your own ticket mind, but i'll buy you each a beer!

Anonymous said...

No promises, but which stand will you be on?

Kourosism said...

OU285. Right next to Ordnance Survey, so you shouldn't be able to miss us.