When I was but a little boy, I asked my mother for Nintendo. I wanted gameplay - on the TV. But here's what she said to me...
"No, now go and do your chores or I won't feed you tonight. Que sera, sera."
Needless to say, I didn't speak German and so didn't really get her hidden message - and truth be told I still don't. Anyways, to cut a long story short, I just eBayed myself a SNES and a copy of Super Mario World.
And now I'm a very happy boy.

I've only just started getting into the whole Retro gaming thing (except MUDs and the like which I've enjoyed for a fair old while).
I'm on a Mario phase at the moment - once I've collected and completed all those, we'll see where I go after that.
Ooh, we've got one of them what belongs to MMB. We've got its predecessor, the NES, as well.
My childminder used to have one of those, I'd love to play Mario and Home Alone again.
But not that rubbish Nigel Mansell driving game, that were pants.
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