As you'll no doubt see from the piccie, I've purchased myself a fine propagator, and put some seed potatoes in there for chitting (stop sniggering at the back). I have no idea when these are supposed to be planted out, so I've already put one of them outside in a pot under a bellboy to see how it does. Considering that everyday since I planted it it has either frosted over or snowed I'm guessing that even under that exceptional protection the poor spud will have popped its clogs.
The other seedlings you'll recognise from your family albums are (from left to right) Leeks, Onions, Cabbages and Peas (just in case you can't read the labels). And no, I don't know why my onions are doing that - they did the same thing when I planted them straight out last year, and all I ended up with were little pathetic baby onion things that weren't even suitable for pickling. Maybe I'm doing something wrong (more than likely). I'll just leave them be and see how it turns out.
One of the peas has also been sent outside under a bellboy for bad behaviour. I'm fairly confident that it's dead by now, but I'll look into later and report back. If the weather improves I'll treat you all to some closeups of the plants under bellboys tomorrow. But that's only if you're really good.

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