Thursday, April 12, 2007


The thing about Librarians is, and, well, they're all very nice and all, but...

"This is what we do when someone wants to borrow a book."

"This is what we do when someone is overdrawn."

"This is what we do when someone wants to renew a book."

"This is what we do when someone wants to buy some printing credit."

And it's all very important, don't you know.

I'm not going to be disparaging about my new job, because, well, frankly, it's still miles better than my old one, and I haven't even started yet. The students come back next week, and that's when the questionsican'tanswer all start and I get made to leave. Other than that, however, the people, the place, are all very nice. Yes, half an hour for lunch isn't really long enough, but whose to complain when I'm home by five?


Unknown said...

Trust me: it's MUCH better to take a short lunch and get home early. The wonderful sense of freedom therein is a splendid thing indeed.
Also, I'm willing to lay a fiver that you'll surprise yourself within a month as to how well you can do your new job. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll be fine, have the ginger hairs started to grow yet?

Lord Hutton said...

Just carry a stack of books and stare wildly at the ceiling, then nobody will ask you anything