Sunday, April 15, 2007

White Dog Poo.

Every now and then, we all hear that age-old discussion about white dog poo, and why we no longer see it on out streets.

I'd like to think that this is partly due to the fact that more dog owners are responsible, and actually pick up after their animals. However, due to the fact that I can't look at the surrounding scenery when out for a walk, instead staring at the ground in front of my lest I step in the brown stuff (which stinks more than cow pat - avoidance is worthwhile) this is not true.

Today, I did indeed see some white dog poo. I would have taken a picture of it as evidence, but, well, y'know.

White dog poo. I've seen it. It's the future.


Aoj and The Lurchers said... you want a serious answer to this!?

Unsurprisingly, it's down to diet. My dogs have white poo because they are fed a raw-food diet, complete with bones. years ago, dogs were fed scraps - so all human grade and relatively nutritious food, and they were given bones to gnaw on. The pet food market has turned to complete, easy to feed kibble and most of it is full of crap to make it appetising for the dogs and none of that crap gets digested - hence what comes out is smelly, dark and disgusting.

Lord Hutton said...

Where's your evidence, retro boy?

Anonymous said...

As Aoj says, white dog poo is due to a dog eating too much calcium.

Kourosism said...

Thanks Aoj and JG. I will buy my parents dog a bone next time I go over.

And LH, would you really like to be seen taking pictures of poo? I mean really, what would you say? "It's a white one, I don't see many of those" kinda insinuates that you have a collection going on.

Phil said...

I wanna do a white pooh :[

Anonymous said...

Great work.

Anonymous said...

The reason we dont see any more white dog poo is because the dog food manufacture`s used to add chalk to the food to bulk it up a bit and then it was banned some years ago so thats why we dont see anymore of it.