Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Well, that was easy.

Odd how you can get worked up about something... and know that there's no need to. Yes I was nervous, though not as bad as Paul's "thin shits" and definitely not the being sick in the bushes beforehand either. It's also nice to not have to worry about the job proper for a few more days, as there are no students around just yet - I won't even get thrown into the deepend for quite a few more weeks, as my full CRB check won't come back, and so they can't leave me on my own.

I did have a "so that's what my job really is*" moment, where you realise that the advertisement and interview process skirted around the subject matter a little. A fair few staff members are into cycling, so hopefully that will encourage me to get out more as well.

Sadly lunch is only 1/2 hour (with various breaks in the morning and afternoon) though gym membership is free. Everyone seems really friendly (if slightly hermit like) and I think I'm by far the youngest person there. But then, what does that matter?

I think I may like it here.

* Librarian. I can live with that.


silver horde said...

"ook ook"

Kourosism said...


Anonymous said...

Don't use the M-word.

Unknown said...

So where _did_ you put your nut, then?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're in a fairly good place at the moment.

good for you!

Phil said...

Cool, gratz!!!