Tuesday, October 10, 2006


So today was the big day, the day of the presentation, the day of the day-long interview, the day of pretending I'm really interested in the job when frankly I'm not entirely sure.

Today was also the day that everyone else got to meet the potential buyer for XYZ Publishing.

So what can I say, today went... OK. As well as any other interview, I guess. Good points, bad points, you know the drill and I won't bore you with it.

What is more interesting is that which I missed out on. The buyer is apparently... "nice." He wants to keep my office open (whether that means I would even have a positions there, or even doing something akin to what I want to do is another matter), and he even wants to keep the office open in Orange.

He buys quite a few publishing companies, and has quite a Portfolio. He likes to ensure they keep their own identity. And anything anyone can say, is that seems quite "nice."

Which is nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe there are some good guys still out there - fingers crossed!