Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Things Wot Occurred.

Today I have seen:

Someone decide to not park in the free, perfectly sized space, left vacant at the side of the road, but rather instead park on the almost exactly car-length of double yellow lines next to it.

Today I joined:

The 21st Century. Yes, I now have an MP3 player. No crappy iPod for me, no siree, I have a "free" Sandisk Sansa m230 which I got for joing Napster or something. I now have a larger variety of music in my car, and no need to worry about that black spot from my drive into work where I lose radio signal.

Today I have:

Found out I didn't get the job. Bugger. Apparently it was "close" and well, I knew I screwed up one bit when the fire alarm went off, so hey-ho.


Unknown said...

and Better luck next time, mateyskip!

Anonymous said...

Shame about the job. Was it a good one?

Welcome to the 21st Century. I think the 20th was more fun...

Kourosism said...

It was OK Rob, not great. Actually it was downright dull, and I wasn't sure I wanted it... but it was an "out" from my current place, and the pay was going to be great. Ah well.