Sunday, November 12, 2006


So far this weekend, I have....

1. Lost the game, and so have you

2. Lost Nanowrimo, simply because I am not satisfied with the direction the story is going, and want to go back to change some fundamental aspects of it. If I do that I won't complete it in time, but if I don't I'll end up rewriting the whole thing anyway after the end of the month because it's so crap. So I'm seeing it as an education - I like to get the details right, which isn't necessarily wrong, but it just isn't right for this.

3. Been left alone with a strangers three or four* year old kid at the swimming pool changing rooms. She was a really good conversationalist. Her name was Isobel.

4. Made a Poppy Appeal lady cry. I didn't punch her on the nose or anything... I think that they were nice tears, but I'm not entirely sure.

*Or thereabouts.


Kourosism said...

'Sort of' cheated? Or cheated?

Phil said...

How on earth did you make her cry Kouros? :[]

Phil said...

How on earth did you make her cry Kouros? :[]

Kourosism said...

I mentioned that I'd found it hard to buy a Poppy this year - I've seen more people than ever wearing them, but she was the first I'd seen selling them.

Of course the reason for that is obvious, which made her a little tearful. She was sweet though, and agreed that more people were wearing them.