Monday, November 20, 2006


I probably shouldn't post customer emails on my blog, but what the hell. I responded to Calendar Girl, and got a reply... (EDIT: My response first, in blue)

Thank you for your email, and for your interest in our products. I do hope that you will accept my apologies for any inconvenience that your concerns may have caused.

All of our Calendars follow the international standard ISO 8601, which is an international standard for date and time representations.

We do of course appreciate that in various locations across the world, different people see the week as starting and ending on different days. For example, in some countries, such as Iran, the week is considered to start on a Saturday. Of course, as you correctly point out, in many countries Sunday is seen as the start of the week, as the Sabbath takes place on Saturday.

We follow the ISO and European tradition of the week starting on a Monday in order to provide consistency within the agreed standards.

If you would like to learn more about ISO 8601, please visit the ISO website, at

Thank you again for your interest in our products, and for contacting us on this issue.

Her response...

Thankyou for your very prompt and courteous reply and the information on the website of the ISO 8601. Having read the content of the website I feel very saddened and dispondant that the world is taking this step. The implecations and consequences and indeed ramifications go beyond words. Mankind is sinking deeper into the abyss. Thankyou again and may God bless you and your family over Christmas and into the new year.

PS Thankfully we live in the year of Our Lord, AD 2006, of which the world acknowleges from His birthdate, even if they dont want to agree with it. He is soverign. Amen.


Anonymous said...

She sounds like a lovely lady.

Probably plays the organ...

Kourosism said...

Rob: No doubt she does!

Stu: I stopped short of replying to tell her I am not a Christian. I don't think it would have gone down well.

Rich: No doubt she thinks the same of me, and all of my fellow heathens.

Kourosism said...

Haha! That's Genius! If it was earlier in the year, I would have thought she were playing a jake on me, but I see it isn't Jake Day.

If we were making calendars next year (it's a mugs game) I would have definately tried to get them to make a Discordian one. I better it would sell more than those with pictures of Steam Railways, at any rate.

Kourosism said...

Better = bet of course. I'm at work, I have no need to conversate coherently.

Lisa & Adam said...

I'd be interested to know what the implecations, consequences and indeed ramifications actually are.

*sinks into abyss*

Kourosism said...

I don't think I could convey the implications, consequences and indeed ramifications to you Lisa, and neither could she... They go beyond words.