Sunday, November 26, 2006

Today, I'm Most Angry About:

(Sorry DoGGa, had to pinch your thing)

Today, I'm Most Angry About:
People who stand outside health centre entrances smoking. I go there for a swim, thank you very much, not to come out feeling all good about myself only to breathe in your acrid fumes.

Just because you are so fat, lazy, and wish to die in such an insignificant amount of time that while you drop your sweet little'un off for her dance class it doesn't occur to you to do some exercise yourself it doesn't mean that I, equally, want to share in the sweet, sweet smell of your own demise.*

Failing that, I'll wait outside when you come to pick up your cherub, and spit red wine on you. See how you like it.

Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 6/10 On the whole, I'm not an angry person (though my blog may suggest otherwise). I'm quite surprised how much this made me fume.

* Yes, I appreciate the irony. I'm trying to give up the booze, honest.


Max said...

Thats as bad as people who drive to gyms to go running.
Why not walk there, and spend less time on the tread mill?

Unknown said...

I, as a smoker, fully agree with your disgust at others 'fuming'. I hate it too and I really should not perpetuate the nonsense. I'm just mildly perplexed as to why you find it such a problem that smokers smoke outside where they belong whereas they *used* to be allowed to smoke inside. Just picture Fag-Ash lil sat one the rowing mahone, 20 Rothmans by her side, doing about 1 stroke to your 1000.
Still feel angry?
Bigods, you sound like an ex-smoker if ever I heard one (and I've heard LOADS).

Unknown said...

*ahem* 'scuse the pissed typing: That's Rowing Machine. I have no idea where Mahone came from, although it is somewhat entertaining.

Kourosism said...

I don't like people smoking near me full stop, if I'm honest. And I've never smoked.

It's weird though, as whenever I go to a pub, or someone's house where I know they smoke, it doesn't bother me because I have chosen to be in that environment.

The times that it does annoy me is when people assume that I (or other people) won't mind. I do know from having spent time in your company that you're not the sort of person to do that, and a lot of smokers aren't.

But when people congregate outside buildings and you have to pass through a blanket of smoke to get inside or out it pisses me off no end.

I don't think smokers realise just how the smell makes some people feel. In truth I find it quite disgusting - I find it rather hard to eat if someone is smoking near me, for example. Apologies, but it just isn't a pleasant smell.

And so when leaving somewhere where I have spent time, money, and effort in a bid to remain healthy, the last thing I want to do is pass through a fog of respired cancer.

Does anyone have a stepladder? The horse I'm on appears to be rather high...

Unknown said...

I could lend you a soap-box if you like :)

Kourosism said...

Ta, matey.