Friday, November 24, 2006

Holy Mother of Shit!

And we thought we lived in such a nice area... OK, not great, but not terrible either. We are occasionally woken in the early hours by drunken folk stumbling home, losing their way and having the odd argument, but that's about it.

Oh, and Annie who runs the shop, who is far too cheerful by half at five a.m.

So, anyway. Woken this morning by two guys shouting outside. All I could make out was "Fuck...fuck...police! Fuck!" and assuming it was just another drunken argument, I tried to get back to sleep.

And then... Bang... BANG!

Oh, dear. He's been shot! Someone has been shot outside my house, and they're going to die. And then I tried to get back to sleep again. Does that make me a bad person?

But still I could hear the same two voices. Curiosity got the better of me, and I looked. I was somewhat surprised. My first thought was that someone had grouped a lot of bins together, and set them on fire. Ween had a look, and corrected me: no, this was a car.

After calling the police and fire services (they already knew) I took the pictures, and then sat back to watch the proceedings. The police came first, and then the fire service, and relatively swiftly they got it put out. About twenty minutes ago a couple of nice police chappies knocked on my door and had a word. They don't think it's suspicious, which is nice.

Horrible thing for the owner, but serves them right for parking on the road and not using the car park three metres away though. *evil grin*


Kourosism said...

I think they own(ed?) the car. If it was my car, I would probably say something very similar.

car01 said...

Isn't it funny how you don't notice things like cars being on fire until after the event? On the two occasions that there have been car fires outside my front door, I've only noticed when a great big hulking fire engine had been there for some considerable time.

Not suspicious? What've the police got to do with an unsuspicious car fire hmm?