Friday, March 09, 2007

Yay! Work!

So I'm doing a temporary contract job next week, three days, hourly rate 33.3% over my old daily rate, expenses paid, including accomodation, food and travel (as it is away from home).

What am I doing, you say?

Well, XYZ Publishing need me to do my old job for a short while, because the people in the new office don't know how.

It's money, isn't it.


Anonymous said...

Haha... why do they do that?

We have a guy at our place who left in November. He's still here contracting.

Kourosism said...

I just love the fact that the guy who made me redundant is having a bit of a "bollocks" moment. In one of the meetings, I offered the option of redundancy, and he joked and said "we won't be needing that."

Nevertheless, I said, the option is there.

Hurrah! It took them less than a week.

They did try to take the piss and offer less than I was paid before, however, which I was not impressed by.

Anonymous said...

So we'll see you at the outdoor show then.

Unknown said...

I'm surprised you didn't charge the twunts at _least_ double-bubble. If they want you badly enough, they'll pay.
Beware of getting stuck there, K.